With this article we share the knowledge we got from authoritative foreign journals on activating the metabolism. A mechanism that must always be active or to keep it active, since as we grow older it becomes inactive, so that we lose weight and fat!
Today we are going to share with you 5 of these…. secrets and more!
1. Vitamin D
A supplement that preserves muscle tissue and alters metabolism. According to scientists, we only get 20% from our food every day. Good sources of vitamin D are salmon, tuna, eggs, milk, cereals.
2. Dark chocolate
Scientific studies have shown that by eating dark chocolate daily the metabolism is activated and the body burns fat! The recommended amount is 20 g, not more (don’t be too brave)…
3. Complex carbohydrates
By choosing complex carbohydrates over simple ones, the metabolism works harder to digest them, resulting in more fat burning. Complex carbohydrates are also rich in fiber, beneficial for our health. Such as buckwheat, oats, quinoa, brown rice, seeds.
4. Move more than you sit
Ideally we should sleep 8 hours out of 24. Many of us sit for another 7 to 10 hours if our work is sedentary. Metabolism is inactive, so we don’t burn the fat from the food we eat. Start any kind of daily exercise to keep your metabolism high!
5. Protein
Start your day with protein foods. This way you will burn more calories throughout the rest of the day.
Stay tuned….to learn more secrets for activating metabolism and losing weight.
Source: Health.com